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jerusalem at night


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  • Location: Israel

One-Line Bio

I am a father of six, husband of Haviva, all else is secondary.


Jacob is the Managing Partner of Jerusalem Capital I, LP, which is expanding the venture backed tech economy in Israel by going beyond core technology to "Technology Enabled Services." Jacob has been a successful serial entrepreneur for more than a decade, creating billions of dollars in shareholder value.

In 1995 Jacob founded Ambient, a pioneer in the field of data communication, today a leader in the BPL (Broadband over Power Lines) industry. Jacob served as CEO of Ambient from inception until after its IPO in 1998.

In 1996 Jacob co-founded Delta Three, one of the first commercial Voice over IP service providers. Jacob served as executive chairman of Delta Three from its inception until after its NASDAQ IPO in 1999. Under Jacob's leadership Delta Three reached a market cap of over $1.5 Billion.

In 1999 Jacob founded NomadIQ, a developer of wireless applications, and served as Chairman and CEO from inception until its acquisition by Omnisky for $42 million in 2001.

Jacob has also sat on numerous corporate boards, including Congruency, Taskmail, and AccessME, and on the advisory board of I-Hatch, a New York based venture fund.

Jacob served as an advisor to JVPStudio, a Jerusalem-based seed stage investor/incubator from its formation in August 2003 until June 2005. Jacob co-founded DoubleFusion, a media mediation company, for which he served as Chairman from company creation in June 2004 until October 2005, when the company closed a $10 million round with Accel Partners, JVP and Jerusalem Capital.

In 2004 Jacob led in the creation of Unwire Jerusalem, a free wireless (WiFi) internet access network in downtown Jerusalem. Unwire Jerusalem is the flagship initiative of Digital Jerusalem, a non-profit focused on improving the image and reality of life in Jerusalem through the use of technology, of which Jacob serves as Chairperson. .

In 2004 Jacob joined, as a founding member, the Aspen Institute Middle East Strategy Group.

In the late 1980s and early 90s Jacob was deeply involved in a number of international political issues, traveling to over 20 countries, meeting with Prime Ministers, Presidents, and other senior political and communal figures. Jacob served on the executive of the World Jewish Congress and the World Union of Jewish Students.

Jacob has served as a volunteer advisor to the Mayor of Jerusalem, and is a lecturer on entrepreneurship and technology at Hebrew University. Jacob is a member of Kol Dor, a global Jewish leadership network, and in 2003 was named a Henry Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute. Jacob serves on the International Council of the Jerusalem Foundation and the New Israel Fund. Jacob has a B.A. from City College of New York, and a J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center.

Jacob lives in Jerusalem with his wife Haviva, and their children Michal, Adin, Meira, Hallel, Nachum, and Mishael.


community (of all kinds, virtual and otherwise), repairing the world [tikkun olam], biking in Jerusalem hills, scuba/snorkel, all at times together with family