OK, so between Jerusalem ROCKS , my day job as Managing Partner of Jerusalem Capital and my all consuming life as husband of Haviva Ner-David, and father to Michal, Adin, Meira, Hallel and Nachum, I have not found time to blog. Not that I have a lack of things to write about, living in the very earthly Jerusalem, operating at the edges of the virtual world, and involved in intense debates about the future of life as we know it.
Just that found myself recently barely treading water, and at times drowning, needing to cut out what I deemed, on the fly, to be lowest priority.
Now with the move into a new year, I have a fresh resolve to organize and prioritize my time (and life) in a more strategic way--and will attempt to keep blog current at least on a weekly basis. If I don't -- please say something.
As I say to all those who work with me, I believe in interactive management. Which means on some level we all need to manage each other.
All that is a big intro to me saying a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Shana Tovah Jacob!
Posted by: Zvi Band | September 26, 2007 at 05:48 PM