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October 28, 2007



Lovely song. Thanks, Jacob!

Jon Burg

Just wanted to share a memory. A few years back I was lucky enough to be in Yerushalayim on Reb Shlomo's Yartzeight. As someone who never met him, but was inspired for years by his words of wisdom and stories of his greatness towards everyone he met, I headed over to his kever for some moments of reflection. While I was there (for about an hour and a half) I saw the most spectacular display of solidarity and diversity. Old school Yerushalmis, Mea She'Arim Chassidim, friends from the shtachim, an Arab cab driver and a chiloni in way-too-tight jeans, all around the same kever, all saying the same t'hillim (psalms). It was breathtaking. A popular musician/performer and close student of Reb Shlomo came by and we ended up speaking at length, reflecting, then having a kumzits (think singing around the campfire) in the Old City before heading out to the memorial concert.

There are some people who are so real that they touch everyone they meet. I wasn't fortunate enough to know Reb Shlomo personally, but he changed my life all the same.

Thanks for sharing.

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