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November 25, 2007


Jeff Pulver

At the moment, there are 213,387 people who are members of the Israel network on Facebook (including myself), yet according to Facebook as of today, there are 255,040 people registered from Israel.

Facebook allows one to associate themselves with whatever network they would like to be connected with. And like mobile telephone numbers, the network one is associated with does not necessarily reflect the geography they are located in.

While I am a member of the Israel network, I am registered user of Facebook from New York.

Facebook usage in Israel grew by an amazing 170% in the past 30 days and right now is used by 3.58% of the population. My recent blog post (http://pulverblog.pulver.com/archives/007679.html) has all of the details.

Jacob Ner-David

Except that Jeff could easily have signed up as "registered user" from Jerusalem. Just for fun, I created an alternate identity for Jeff (feel free to friend "Jef Pulver," who left an "f" behind when he re-emerged as Jerusalem resident...;-). Bottom line: at least with our virtual identity, we are who we say we are.

Jeff Pulver

Your point makes all of the stats published by Facebook a little suspect. Hummmm.

Esther Kustanowitz

"friending you" was likely the smartest thing that Yasir Arafat ever did, alive or not.

At least your "famous friends" are (or were at one point) real people. I keep getting "friended" by characters from Sex and the City.

But you raise some good points about the fluid nature of self-identified identity. Are we ever who we say we are? Or do other people determine the objective characteristics of our state of being? Is our self-perception ever objectively accurate? If we see ourselves as identified in some dual way with Israel and another country, is that misrepresentation our fault, or the fault of the stats gatherers who don't weed out people who self-identify with more than one modifier?

These sound like theoretical questions, but they're actually very practical in this day and age. And in online dating. Just saying.

Moshe Maeir

While yours points are valid, the stats mentioned (even if they are not precise) still prove a point -- that Facebook usage in Israel is growing like crazy!

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