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January 06, 2008



If you are looking for free public wifi in Jerusalem I've created a listing of wifi in Israel here - http://freewifiwiki.net/index.php?title=Israel

If you have some to add please do!!

Dan Klein

Hi all. It's does not make sense why Jerusalem doesn't have municipal (from the city) Wi-Fi or from a private company, to cover the ENTIRE city! Jerusalem is a pretty small city, and each wi-fi transmitter covers a lot of ground. Major cities around the world have free citywide wi-fi. For instance Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The purpose of free wi-fi is to (1) be able to make free to VERY low cost (pennies or agurot) telephone calls depending on your Voip (ie. voice telephone line) provider, in Jerusalem. You won't need to use a cellphone if you have this service.
(2) to be able to get free internet service in Jerusalem. With wi-fi service, there would be no data charges at all, or for the service (ie. the company providing the cable line, which would be free as the city pays it (it's cheap for the city). A FORTUNE is being spent on Cellphones (eg. Cellcom, Pelephone) & cellphone minutes. You would save a ton of money. If the city doesn't do it, Private citizens could hook up an internet router (inexpensive) like you have in the wi-fi cafe. Or the City of Jerusalem can. The average 10 month (program) student in Jerusalem spends $1,500 or about 5,200 Shekels (at 3.5 shekels to the dollar) on cellphone service. What a giant rip-off!! So stop wasting all your money. This is a no brainer!!! (ie. no sechel needed)

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