I got to know will.i.am from the Black Eyed Peas a little when we produced Jerusalem ROCKS! 2007 (see here for a taste of that event), which BEP headlined. I was already a fan of will.i.am and BEP, which is why we invited them--they are a unique combination of ideology, talent, and fun. Those are the ingredients I look for in all my activities, non-profit and not-only-for profit.
A few days ago a song and accompanying video were released, as an overt promotion of Obama for President, but also a celebration of the potential for good in the world. A belief in the power to repair the world, otherwise known as "tikkun olam." Below please find the music video of "Yes We Can" (can also click here if your feed doesn't support embedded video).
Beyond the song and the video, there is also an explanation [below] by will.i.am of the inspiration and the process of creating "Yes We Can," which I found timeless and oh so timely. Ten years ago it would have taken months to pull off what will.i.am and friends did in a matter of days. The web circa 2008 is definitely a platform for incredible good in the world. Here is excerpt of what will.i.am had to say about the process, with some emphasis added:
I wasn't afraid to stand for something...
to stand for "change"...
I wasn't afraid of "fear"...
it was pure inspiration...so I called my friends...
and they called their friends...
in a matter of 2 days...
We made the song and video...Usually this process would take months...
a bunch of record company people figuring out strategies and release dates...
all that stuff...
but this time i took it in my own hands...
so i called my friends sarah pantera, mike jurkovac, fred goldring, and jesse dylan to help make it happen...
and they called their friends..
and we did it together in 48 hours...
and instead of putting it in the hands of profit we put it in the hands of inspiration...then we put it on the net for the world to feel...
When you are truly inspired..
magic happens...
incredible things happen...
love happens..
(and with that combination)
Now sit back and enjoy, as well as be inspired:
Boy! I had you pegged for Republican! :-)
Posted by: Michael Rubin | February 06, 2008 at 04:42 AM