Thank goodness my kids allow me to be their "friend" on Facebook (in real life we are still working on it). This morning I experienced such a "gevalt" moment, I need to publicly thank Facebook.
My 11 year old daughter posted on her profile that on Monday we are going to court to finalize the adoption of our son Mishael (who has been with us for two years already...Israeli bureaucracy moves slowly). And then she added: "And I completely forgot he is adopted."
Would Meira tell me that directly? Maybe, but perhaps the medium of Facebook allows us to show our true "face." I am sure it has the opposite effect at times, but in this instance I think Meira allowed herself to express her true feelings.
Wow, I still have goose bumps. One of those moments when you realize the important things in life.
Thank you Facebook, and may all go smoothly in court tomorrow.