A few hours ago we heard the first siren beginning Israel's Day of Remembrance to her fallen soldiers (both those in uniform and those not, but lost for their belief in a free and independent State of Israel).
In thinking about all those lost on the battlefield, all those lost in the coffee shops, on the buses, and those just caught up in all of it, I so hope and pray that someday soon we enjoy peace. May their memory be a blessing to all of us, and may we make sure they did not die in vain...let's do what we can to bring peace closer, so that no more lives be lost. And let Reb Shlomo help you dream of peace.
Thank you....Praying for Peace in Jerusalem from Dallas, Texas. Peace and blessings
Posted by: Amy Sommerfield | April 19, 2010 at 04:55 PM
Wow nice..I was touched!! Peace to the whole world!! Especially in Jerusalem!!
Posted by: Nursing top | May 24, 2010 at 05:42 AM