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May 26, 2010


Fernando Núñez Mendoza

Thank you Jacob, we totally agree with your post.

Our company, fonYou, sent two of us to the conference. It represented a big effort not only for the high fees and travel costs but, most importantly, for the time lost by being away from our businesses.

The only thing that compensates us a little is having met some interesting persons that share our passion for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Totally agreed: Alex should seriously consider reurning the registration fees.

Fernando Núñez Mendoza
Clemens Rossberg
fonYou Telecom


Jacob, I've been trying to monitor the Red Herring from the side-line as well as follow our team at the event. There have been nothing, no PR, no video channels, no announcements, no nothing. Not even twitter. The only input I got was from our team - and they are not happy with the quality.

If you are in matching innovation with capital business this is a big time failure. Not only by having that opening speech (he is supposed to inject courage and belief in the future) but also by not doing the proper PR for the event and it's participants. The Red Herring have Surrendered!

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